My granddaughter Nikki was diagnosed with Crohns at 8 years old. She was hospitalized and you could see and count all her little riblets, all she could do was lay in a bed. Frightening beyond words. As she regained a bit of strength we tried to get her to go to the kids room where they had games and books and puzzles, even art and craft classes. No way. It must have been terrifying to have her body turn on her like that and become completely unreliable. Crohns takes your confidence and your dignity. As the treatments began to restore her body, CCF began to rebuild her confidence and hope. She went to events funded by your donations to CCF like, Walk at the California State Capitol, Camp Oasis in Southern California (1200 kids attended the 12 camps nationwide!) and by the time she was 10 she was able to stand on the steps of the Capitol building in front of a whole lotta people she'd never met before and tell her story. HUGE. Seeing others with IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), sharing with them, having that support system, comraderie can work wonders. As of April 12th Nikki is 13. Growing like a weed, playing basketball but every few weeks still goes to the hospital to be hooked up to her infusion for several hours. A kid at her school was newly diagnosed with Crohns, Nik told him right off he needed to get in touch with CCF and sign up for Camp Oasis. The activities at camp are wonderful, if you ask Nik about her favorite she responds THE FOOD! She also loves camp's fishing, horseback riding and themed dances. So important for these kids. Knowing they're capable and not alone.
Megan's report of the foundation's accomplishments for 2018, all due to your vital support, is impressive. Your donations mean the world to us and every cent counts!

My deepest appreciation to all our supporters, those that walk, those that give and those that share. You are all my Hometown Heroes.
Here's a link to our Team Team Uni-Crohns
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