An avid hunter and fisherman, Jim really appreciates 'wild' food sources and the outdoors. Staying in good shape matters. Jim hunts with his sons and grandson, they frequently ride in the quad while he prefers to walk. He beats them back to the truck too. How does he do it? The old fashioned way of course, healthy diet and exercise. AND cutting across where the quad can't go :)
Hiking is Jim's exercise of choice. Ranch Park's Heart Attack Hill all the way to The View on weekdays then further to Rocky Top on the weekends. He also really likes the trails on Bald Mountain which can be accessed off Byer's Pass rd. BLM has MILES of trail up there and is constantly adding more, plus on a clear day in January you're in the full sun the whole time. Nice. During his walks he clears his head. Jim says he's a much nicer guy because of it :) Isn't that the truth? If we take a little time for ourselves, get a good workout (especially outdoors), drop all that stuff we carry around in our heads, it makes all the difference. This way of living has spread through his family too. Everyone is eating healthier because Jim loves to cook. Sometimes his wife Tammie or daughter Kalee will join him on a hike, what a great way to spend time with family.

Great job Jim! Thanks for reminding me to stay Hometown Healthy!
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