SSD has also partnered with Public Health for a Harvest of the Month where students are presented with a seasonal item they may have never tried before. For instance, blood oranges. Some of the younger kids wanted to know if it was real blood in there making them red :). They were amazed to learn Pumpkin was for more than just carving! When Angie brought in Persimmons some of the adults admitted they'd never tried them. Confession- until recently I'd only had Hachiya Persimmons in cookies then I tried the Fuyus which are so delish to just eat. Or put in salad. Or in overnight oats. Or whatever! All of the produce for the Harvest program is purchased right here at Susanville Super. Thanks SSD, Angie and Public Health!
For "Lots 2 Love" National School Lunch Week Angie was tasked with finding a different theme every day. I think she hit it out of the park:
Monday~ Around the World. Asian, Mediterranean and South of the Border salads were served.
Tuesday~ Local Heroes. Students got to have lunch with LoCaL Police, Sheriff, Fire and even the LCC Baseball team!
Wednesday~Teachers and Administrators joined in.
Thursday~ LoCaL Sports with LCC Basketball Team.
Friday~ SSD bought every student in their 3 schools lunch!
Angie McCabe dream is to put a student garden on the grounds of Diamond View! All the plans are drawn up, everyone is on board but resources are needed. That's where we all come in and no community is better at this. Hmmm. I wonder if Mr Somerville's Ag Welding would like to take on a project...
If you can help with donations, supplies, time, contact Angie McCabe at 252-6001
Thanks Angie for helping us raise Hometown Healthy Kids!
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