The American Heart Association has declared February 1 'Go Red for Women Day' as a reminder that Heart Attack can happen to ANYONE. Take Lassen County's own SuPeR athletic Camille Buehler, here's her story in her own words:
April 21 2017~
"So this has been an interesting week. I'm 42 years old, a lifelong athlete. I work out four mornings a week and more when I can fit it in. On Wednesday I went for a walk with a friend and had a heart attack. A walk. On a flat grade. And had a HEART ATTACK.
I was incredibly fortunate in that I recognized the signs and for once in my life did what I was supposed to do. Ladies listen up - KNOW THE SYMPTOMS. For me, I had chest pain that wasn't too severe, nausea, shortness of breath, and the big clincher of jaw pain. Not just some weird pain. Serious band of pain that stretched ear to ear and wouldn't stop. My poor friend didn't know how bad it was - I didn't want to freak her out. (I really do hope she will go on a walk with me again someday) After it happened we stopped because I needed to catch my breath - I said we should go another half mile and then turn around so we could get four miles in. I should have said to just turn around. I got home, looked up the symptoms and had every single one. It said take aspirin so I did. It also said if you feel you need to take aspirin you should also call 911. I, of course, decided to drive up to the ER. Shouldn't drive yourself either. Long story short, I was flown to Reno once it was confirmed that I had a heart attack. Good news is there is no damage, no plaque, and only a narrowing of an artery on the left side that seems to have always been that way. All the other arteries were larger than normal and clear. Basically, we don't know why it happened. I have a new life of some meds, and have now seen my children and husband's faces as they look at me wondering if it will be for the last time. I was lucky. I am writing this because I have always felt we learn so much from hearing other people's experiences. I have a friend who just had a heart attack and I asked him what made a difference for him. He said aspirin - it's what convinced me I needed help. Thank you Caleb. The new tip I also learned was you should chew it so it gets in your system faster. I knew I had no risk factors, but I also really didn't want to die just because I thought it would be inconvenient for me to go to the hospital."

If we all share the symptoms, the best action to take and stories like Camille's, who knows how many lives might be saved. Won't you join the AHA on the 1st by wearing red to raise awareness?

HUGE Hometown thanks to Camille for sharing your story!
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